Red Light Therapy

Elevate your wellness journey with advanced Red Light Therapy at DexaFit Gainesville! Experience the transformative benefits of this non-invasive, cutting-edge technology, which stimulates cellular rejuvenation, boosts collagen production, and enhances overall skin and joint health. Embrace the rejuvenating power of red light for a radiant and revitalized you!


Transform your wellbeing with DexaFit

Elevate your well-being with the transformative benefits of Red Light Therapy. This cutting-edge, non-invasive technology revitalizes your cells, stimulates collagen production, promotes overall skin and joint health, and reduces total body inflammation, providing a radiant glow from within.

  • Experience Cellular Rejuvenation: Red Light Therapy encourages cellular renewal, promoting a youthful and revitalized appearance while addressing total body inflammation.

  • Enhance Collagen Stimulation: Stimulate collagen production for improved skin elasticity, joint health, and a smoother complexion.

  • Enjoy Non-Invasive Brilliance: Discover the power of red light without invasive procedures, enhancing overall skin and joint health effortlessly.

  • Embrace Radiant Wellness: Embark on a transformative journey to wellness where your radiance mirrors your inner vitality.

Embark on a Radiant Wellness Journey with Advanced Red Light Therapy

Experience the transformative power of our cutting-edge technology, enhancing skin radiance while delivering a myriad of benefits. From soothing inflammation to boosting joint flexibility and addressing acne concerns, Red Light Therapy elevates your skincare and wellness routine into a holistic journey toward radiant health.

Increased Joint Mobility

Red Light Therapy has been associated with improved blood circulation. Enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the joints, supporting their health and function.

Reduced Inflammation

Feel the calming touch of Red Light Therapy as it penetrates deep into your skin, alleviating inflammation, decreasing cortisol, and promoting a soothing sensation.

Revitalized Skin Resilience

Red Light Therapy enhances collagen synthesis, promoting increased skin elasticity, fostering a more youthful and resilient complexion. Its antimicrobial properties have been shown to contribute to acne clearance and also aid in regulating oil production, offering a comprehensive solution for skin health.

Superhuman Healing

Red Light Therapy accelerates wound healing by stimulating cellular activity, promoting tissue repair, and reducing inflammation. Its regenerative effects extend beyond skin, contributing to overall healing and recovery

Get DexaFit in 3 easy steps

Step 1: Get comfortable

We'll begin by ensuring you're comfortably seated or lying down, preparing you for the Red Light Therapy

Step 2: Relax

Relax for up to 20 minutes, letting the Red Light Therapy work its magic

Step 3: Book your next visit

Performing Red Light Therapy a maximum of 20 minutes per session, up to 3 times per week to ensure optimal results.


If you’ve heard of red light therapy...that is not pseudoscience...that is grounded in the very biology of how light interacts with mitochondria and reactive oxygen species

— Dr. Andrew Huberman

  • Red Light Therapy (RLT) is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of red light to stimulate cellular activity. It's like giving our cells a gentle boost to help them work better.

    The red light penetrates our skin and goes into our cells. This helps cells work better through a process called photobiomodulation. When our skin absorbs the red light, it goes into our cells and interacts with the mitochondria, often called the cell's powerhouse. This interaction stimulates the prduction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is like a fuel that cells use for various functions.

    With more ATP, cells have extra energy to carry out their tasks more efficiently. This boost in energy can enhance cellular functions, such as repairing damage, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall cell health. Additionally, RLT may influence other cellular processes, like the production of proteins and antioxidants, contributing to improved cell function and well-being. It's like giving our cells a little extra help to perform at their best.

  • Results can vary, but some people notice positive changes after a few sessions. It's important to be patient and consistent with the sessions for the best outcomes.

    Clients have seen scarring reduce in as little as two weeks and many notice minor benefits right away

  • No, Red Light Therapy (RLT) is generally considered safe and does not cause skin cancer. RLT uses specific wavelengths of red light that do not contain harmful UV rays, which are the primary cause of skin cancer from sun exposure. Unlike ultraviolet (UV) light, the red light used in RLT penetrates the skin without damaging it.

    It's crucial to follow recommended guidelines for RLT sessions, a maximum of 20 minutes per session with 3 sessions per week.

  • No, Red Light Therapy doesn't make our skin tan because it doesn't use the same type of light as the sun. It's focused on helping our skin in other ways.